
The Addison Recorder is a pop-culture blog based in Chicago, with writers ranging from all across the Midwest coming together to talk about pop culture. We’re a progressive-minded bunch with passionate interests in arts and culture, including literature, movies, sports, games, and local happenings within Chicago.

Our mission is to promote conversations about culture for any and all readers – think of us as the friendly people at the bar on trivia night, talking your ear off about whatever strikes our fancy, whether it’s a great movie or a local food festival, right up until closing time.

As of 2015, we’ve expanded the number of voices shouting out across Lake Michigan to four eight over 15 writers, ranging across multiple fields of specialization. The Recorder serves as a platform for these writers to get their pieces out to a widespread audience that wants to read their work.

A more verbose introduction & manifesto here, and a brief look about our collaborators:

Staff Picture

Guess the restaurant, and you can win the right to meet an actual Cubs ticket-scalper on the nearby street corner!

From left to right (more or less): Christopher Walsh, Meryl WilliamsTravis J. CookKaren MartinJ. Michael BestulAlex BeanAndrew J. Rostan, and Christina Brandon.

And, for archival purposes, the original four in another restaurant-based setting:

Staggering genius not included.


The entity known as -J. would be at home in a place like Carcosa or Night Vale, but instead lives near a far more dreary place -- Wrigley Field. He is the patron Addisonian of whisk(e)y and tabletop games, and is often adorned with a waistcoat & his ridiculous mustache.

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