Everyone has their personal joys in the holiday season. Some enjoy the giving of presents. Some enjoy caroling. Some find great meaning in gathering with family and friends and celebrating simply being able to spend time with each other.
And then there are the TV specials and holiday movies, which are legion. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Frosty the Snowman. It’s a Wonderful Life. Christmas Vacation. The list goes on.
One of the most venerable is A Charlie Brown Christmas, which turns 50 this year and airs tonight on CBS. It’s the first non-comics performance of the Peanuts game in their long, venerable history, and has stood the test of time.
There’s enough reasons to go over what makes this program so special to form a Buzzfeed-style list. The music. The laughs. The tree. But that’s not what we’re about here at the Addison Recorder – we celebrate culture.
So go ahead – tune in tonight to A Charlie Brown Christmas. Sit by the fireside with your family, or gather around the TV with friends, or throw the soundtrack on as you drift off to sleep. You’re taking part in something that most people you know have grown up with, and in this modern age, sometimes that’s all that we need.
I’ll close out this public service announcement with one of the best scenes of the show. Listen to Linus van Pelt talk about the true meaning of Christmas:
Happy Holidays, everyone.
Did you notice that Linus drops his blanket the moment he says “Fear not”? I’ve seen this a hundred times and didn’t notice until this year. Kind of beautiful.