Everyone, meet Pam Poovey of Archer:

She’s the bold, brash, randy human resources director at the spy agency ISIS (or was until it got shut down on account of treason against the US government). She rivals the show’s namesake (and “world’s greatest secret agent”) with her ferocious libido and her unapologeticly gross humor befitting a ten year-old boy.
Ever one for an adventure, she makes me think of this quote from Jane Eyre:
It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
Pam does and says things I often keep to myself, and that’s part of why I love her; she’s me, only way more ballsy. Without further ado, here is Pam Poovey, Hero: [Read more…]