UnScripted Moments: “Reasons to Be Happy” at Profiles Theatre
A guest post – and first in a new Addison Recorder series highlighting Chicago storefront theatre – by Leigh Yenrick. Leigh is an actress who has worked in Toledo and the Twin Cities, and who currently resides in Chicago.Â

(Image courtesy of Profiles Theatre)
This week we are taking a look at Profiles season opener Reasons to Be Happy. Written by Neil LaBute, the show is a sequel to his 2008 play reasons to be pretty, bringing us back into the lives of Greg (Eric Burger), Steph (Domenica Cameron-Scorsese), Carly(Sarah Loveland), and Kent (Dennis Bistro). All of them are in their middle aged years and trying to find happiness, whether that would be with each other or in the form of inner peace. I recently got to talk about the play with Profiles’ own Artistic Director Darrell W. Cox who directed Reasons to Be Happy.